Medical Medium Brain Saver Book: Chapter 9

“The acidity makes the environment right for the pathogens that are the true causes of disease to thrive and create our symptoms.” [Page 142; Acid Games]

Welcome to another great review of another great chapter in the book Brain Saver. Another chapter packed with great information that you don’t want to miss. “The truth is that fats, including healthy fats, are highly acidic.” [Page136; Fats Are Acids] Medical communities already know that acidity causes disease. Medical communities promote a diet full of fat, healthy fats. “The very diets and protocols they [The Medical Industry] propose to remedy the situation make us more acidic. [Page 142; Acid Games] But what they might not realize is that fats themselves are acids. I mean think of the term, ‘fatty acids’ fats are made up of acids. “In their pursuit of the “acidity causes disease” golden rule, they are working against what they’re trying to solve.” [Page 135; Your Acid Brain] Not only are fats acids, they also cause even more acidity in the body once consumed. “Fats themselves are acidic, plus fats prevent other acids and acidifiers from leaving the body, plus fats trigger the release of acidic adrenaline, insulin and bile–natural substances that work for our survival that we’re nevertheless not meant to flood ourselves with multiple times a day every day.” page 138; Fats Are Acids] Fats in our bodies are even more harmful and are the very thing helping to make an acidic environment in our bodies.

Not only are fats acidic but so are vinegar, caffeine, pharmaceuticals, contaminants, pollution, alcohol, perfume, air fresheners, scented candles, dryer sheets, other fabric softeners, scented laundry detergents, incense, cologne, fragrances, and toxic heavy metals are acidifiers. Medical Media says when your body is in a constant state of acidity, it causes your body to release precious minerals to combat the acidity. If you’ve ever taken a chemistry class or lab, you’ll know that in order to dispose of the acids that are used, you need something to neutralize it, because acids are harmful if disposed of as is. Essentially, this is what our bodies are doing, trying to neutralize the acid to keep our bodies operating optimally. Meaning, you start releasing the very minerals that your body needs, because your body can’t handle the acidic environment, it needs to neutralize the acid.

“It’s not the acidic environment so much creates chronic illness. A true-cause of chronic illness is pathogenic activity– that is, bacteria and viruses.” [Page 140; Peeing Out Our Bones and Atrophying Our Brains] Pathogens thrive when our immune systems are lowered and when our bodies are in an acidic environment. “And here’s what happens: acids deplete the brain and body of precious trace minerals (Which are neutral to alkaline in nature). Acids lower our immune system because our immune system gets weakened and scorched and breaks down from toxic acid.” [Page 140; Allowing Pathogens to Thrive] Pathogens thrive especially when our diets are high in fat, because fat lowers the oxygen levels in our blood, and keeps our blood thick and toxic, therefore increasing our levels of acidity in our bodies. Remember what the three main foods that viruses and bacteria thrive on? Eggs, Dairy and Gluten. These three, are acidic on their own, and these very things are what feeds viruses and bacteria. So not are you eating things that are acidic, you’ve also been feeding the very pathogens that are wreaking havoc in your body. When I stopped consuming the trouble-maker foods that Medical Medium lists, my health started to improve immensely. And it is all because I stopped creating an acidic environment in my body, meaning I stopped feeding the pathogens.

The section, Faulty Testing, is my favorite in this chapter, because for years I never understood what I was taught for blood pH testing when I worked in the labs. I could never understand the reasoning and theories behind what they were talking about, and truly it never made sense to me. But in this section, MM explains it so well that it makes sense to me. Remember what I mentioned about the blood in an early post? When your blood is drawn, you are only testing and getting results for that specific time that blood was drawn. So by the time you receive your results, your blood and body could be in a completely different state, so it is hard to rely on blood test results. When we would see a reading of alkaline, we would assume the body is in an alkaline state. But what we don’t understand is that blood tests are testing the blood alone, not the body as a whole, those results don’t show what could be happening in the organs. This alkaline result could mean that the body is so acidic, that it is losing all of its trace minerals to neutralize the body or it could really mean that your body is in an alkaline state. Or say you get a reading of acidic pH, we assume that the body is in an acidic state. But really maybe the body is in an alkaline state, and your body is finally healing by getting rid of acids, Or your body could truly be acidic, because you have no trace minerals left in your body. But, we truly don’t know the answers by just a simple pH testing of the blood.

“It’s the pathogenic factor that’s so important to consider– and how the immune system breaks down from acidifiers and deficiencies. Having an acid brain and body makes us more susceptible to viruses and viruses’ effects on our health.” [Page 142; Acid Games] The more acidic our bodies are, the more the pathogens can thrive. “The acidity makes the environment right for the pathogens that are the true causes of disease to thrive and create our symptoms.” [Page 142; Acid Games] Not only allowing pathogens to thrive, an acidic environment also allows toxic heavy metal alloys to heat up fast and stay heated for prolonged periods of time. Just like he mentioned in Chapter 8, that we’re the ones to blame for our addictions, “We’re made to feel like we’re the problem for being acidic, like we just can’t get it together enough to foster an alkaline environment inside ourselves and that’s the cause of our suffering.” [Page 142; Acid Games] After reading this chapter, he makes a connection between all of the chapters so far. Each one of these chapters are puzzle pieces fitting together to form the bigger picture here. Each one of these chapters are all connected. Each one of these chapters lays the foundation of how we have become chronically sick. Each one of these chapters has laid the foundation for what’s to come in Part II of this book, Brainwashed.

Stay tuned for Chapter 10, The Moderation Trap, because it may “blow your neurons”. I cannot wait to dive deep into this chapter and change your mind about the phrase “Everything in Moderation”. When you find something that you know is helping you, why wouldn’t you share that information with the world? And for me that is this book, all of Medical Medium’s Books, because of how much improvement I have seen not only in my life, but in the lives of others around the world. All of this information has helped me turn my life around, and I am so grateful that it has. If you haven’t read the book Brain Saver yet, I would highly recommend you to read it because there is nothing else out there like this. I have had my own experiences and now that I’ve been living this lifestyle for 3 years, I know that fruits and vegetables, living foods from the Earth (& supplements from Vimergy, if you’re really struggling) are the way to living your most vibrant, healthy, healed life.

Sending you so much Love, Light, Healing, Hope and Faith on your Life Journey.

Much Love,

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