Medical Medium’s Book Brain Saver: Chapter 31

“When it’s true anxiety, the kind that limits us and keeps us from optimally functioning and making the choices we wish we could make, there’s something else happening inside the body affecting the brain.” [Page 257; What Causes Anxiety]

Welcome to Part IV of the Brain Saver Book, Brain Invasion. Chapter 31 has more information, and I understand why. “What is anxiety? What does the term really mean?… It refers to a set of symptoms, or even one symptom, where the root cause can’t be identified.” [Page 255; Anxiety] I was told growing up, that I have always been an anxious person. I have always been told that certain feelings that I would have, was just ‘My Anxiety’. But reading these first few paragraphs (again), make me stop and realize something. MM talks about how anxiety hasn’t always been clear in the medical industry. He gives an example of someone experiencing uncomfortable symptoms that are interrupting their normal daily functions and have gotten medical testing done only to find out that everything checks out fine, to usually finding themselves in a therapist or in a doctors office being told they have anxiety. And I feel that is exactly how I ended up in a few different therapists office and eventually, ended up on medication. Because the doctors or my therapists couldn’t offer me the help I was searching for, couldn’t tell me why I was experiencing crippling anxiety, depression, crying all the time, and overthinking on certain thoughts to a point where I obsessed over them. This anxiety was affecting my every day life, and I felt it wouldn’t stop. I was told repeatedly to keep going to your therapist and keep talking to them, give it time and these thoughts will go away and you’ll be back to yourself in no time. But the thoughts would never stop, my overwhelming anxiousness and depression would bring me to cry, and once that happened, I couldn’t stop crying.

“Not one person on the planet has anxiety that’s identical to another’s. Everyone’s anxiety is different.” [Page 255; Anxiety] He talks about how anxiety is used for many different symptoms. Whether it be, panic attacks or shortness of breath, fears of life or completely overwhelmed, their body goes numb, or they can’t talk, or you can’t sit still, needing to be busy all the time, or even mild heart racing or funny sensations in the abdomen. Anxiety shows up in a lot of different ways for everyone.

“If anxiety symptoms start to show themselves, it seems obvious: the trauma must be the cause.” [Page 256; Anxiety] Then he asks the question, “Is it?” Is the trauma really the cause of this crippling anxiety someone is experiencing on a daily basis? Or is there something more going on? Which is my point exactly. From all that we have learned through out this book, there is always more going on than we know or realize, or can even see. “…yet they can still be crippled by anxiety, even when everything in their life is going well.” [Page 256; Anxiety] I still had anxiety when everything in my life seemed to be going great. I had a great paying job, I had friends, my health was good, I was doing Crossfit, I could afford everything I needed for a great life, I could walk, I had a place to sleep and I had food to eat. But on the inside, I was miserable, and anxious all the time. Sure, there were periods of my life, where I didn’t have crippling anxiety, but then there were a lot of times where it felt like it would never go away. And at the time it would seem like an event triggered my anxiety, until months later it would still feel like that same event was happening over and over again and I was feeling the anxiety just as strong as it had been when I first experienced it. So, lets put together a few things that we have learned from this book so far. Yes, an event can trigger anxiety, but what we may not realize is that person might have heavy metals and/or neurotoxins wreaking havoc in their brain and that one event may bring back that well known pathway in the brain and cause the person to experience crippling anxiety, and having it become more extreme than the last time.

“When it’s true anxiety, the kind that limits us and keeps us from optimally functioning and making the choices we wish we could make, there’s something else happening inside the body affecting the brain.” [Page 257; What Causes Anxiety] That something else happening inside the body affecting the brain, is something physical. He kind of gives an example of two different people going through a similar hardship, but only one may develop into a crippling anxiety condition, because of the very physical thing happening inside of the brain. “Anxiety is caused by neurotoxic exposures, which include toxic heavy metals and viruses–as well as toxic chemicals and other exposures that are injurious to our nerves.” [Page 257; What Causes Anxiety] As Anthony has mentioned in the previous chapters, all of these, the toxic heavy metals, viruses, toxic chemicals and other exposures, physically injury our nerves and neurons. The crippling anxiety he writes about has more to it than meets the eye. There is a physical aspect to this anxiety that interferes with your life and can affect the decisions you make in life. “If anxiety lasts and becomes chronic, it means that at least one of these underlying physical causes is present.” [Page 258; What Causes Anxiety]

“The combinations are endless: different amounts of toxic heavy metals, different viruses, different toxic chemicals, different viral fuel, different locations of these exposures in the brain and body, different triggers, different challenges.” [Page 258; Interconnected Causes] With having so many combinations, this makes everyone’s anxiety unique. My anxiety was not the same as my brothers anxiety, because we have been exposed to different environmental factors growing up and leaving our hometown. Yes my brother and I came from the same two parents, but my brother never had the crippling anxiety that I did growing up. In this section he breaks down the very things that are causes of anxiety. The keyword here is causes, not triggers, causes. He first starts out with toxic heavy metals.

“In every single person, there’s a different combination of metals in a different area of the brain–different on the most subtle levels–and this accounts for each person’s anxiety being different in sometimes the most subtle ways.” [Page 258; Toxic Heavy Metals Interfering with Electricity] This sentence is an important one, and I was glad that he has written it again in this chapter. For me, repetition is good, and it really drives home the message that he is trying to get across to us, as the readers. He has already talked a bit about this in Chapter 3 Your Alloy Brain, as well as it’s a theme throughout the book with all of the other toxins and pathogens. Every single person on this planet is a unique individual, with unique strengths and weaknesses. As well as, everyone has different levels of toxins and pathogens that reside in their bodies. Meaning that, the crippling anxiety someone experiences, is completely unique to them, due to the combinations of toxins and pathogens they’ve been exposed to and what has been passed down from their generations. As we know from the previous chapters, these metals form alloys, oxidize, outgas, and corrode interfering with the electrical pathways in our brains and neurons, AKA our brains electricity.

I believe that the one thing that has helped me to eliminate my crippling anxiety, is the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie. I believe that a lot of my anxiety was caused by toxic heavy metals, because I have been exposed to heavy metals through out my life. Gas at gas stations, my mercury fillings, drinking alcohol, using metal cookware, drinking out of copper mugs, always writing with a pencil, being exposed to pesticides, fungicides, and so much more. When I don’t consume this smoothie, or the ingredients for a period of time, my anxiety starts to creep back. But the more I consume this smoothie daily, the more my body is thanking me for healing it.

The next section he talks about are viruses being a cause of anxiety. A person having toxic heavy metals in their system, creates a field day for viruses. Viruses need fuel, and one way they can get it, is through toxic heavy metals. After fueling up, viruses release neurotoxins, making any nerves in our bodies sensitive, which, in turn, can trigger any form of anxiety. “Mild headaches, dizziness, and brain fog are common allergic responses to neurotoxins in the brain.” [Page 259; Viruses Creating Inflammation] And this sentence right here, is one way additional symptoms can appear when we experience anxiety. Viruses neurotoxins alone can create inflammation in the brain, which can then cause anxiety. Viruses don’t need toxic heavy metals, they need fuel to keep them going.

He writes in this chapter that the term triggers is being thrown around as if the triggers are the ones that cause anxiety. When you treat the triggers, you think that you’re treating the causes and that you have your anxiety under control. “The anxiety keeps coming back again because they’re not fixing the real, physical issues.” [Page 261; Anxiety Triggers] Even when I was taking anti-anxiety medications, my anxiety would still come back. My doctor tried to increase the dose, but at one point I was like no more, this medication is clearly not helping me, it my anxiety kept resurfacing. I was only using a temporary band aid that helped for periods of time, but never got to the root cause of my anxiety. “Once again, toxic heavy metals, other neurotoxic exposures, and/or viruses are the cause.” [Page 261; Anxiety Triggers] There are physical causes for your crippling anxiety. When I finally read this and understood it, I felt a sense of relief flow over me. I wasn’t crazy all those years that I had crippling anxiety, and it wasn’t all just in my head. I had something physical keeping this anxiety and depression active and ruining my daily life. I felt like I finally hd found the answers I had been searching for for so long, that now, I find relief and joy knowing the true causes of my anxiety. And I am so grateful that I know how to heal it, and that I have healed most of it.

He also writes in this section, that not consuming the right fuel to heal our neurotransmitters, neurons or the brain, can also be a trigger. “When what we consume isn’t rebuilding and replenishing neurotransmitters and other chemicals inside the brain, anxiety can start to show itself.” [Page 262; Anxiety Triggers] I feel a complete difference in my health, and in my body when consuming fruits and vegetables. Especially eating raw fruits and vegetables. I was raw for about 3 months and the results were astounding. I couldn’t believe how great I felt and how great I still feel, now that I am back to being “raw before 4”. I feel I still have healing to do, but I am much better than I was 3 1/2 years ago. I feel like I am a whole different person, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. I have witnessed so much healing within all aspects of my life, that I feel I owe it to MM and the information he puts out there. I can’t believe how great I feel now-a-days. I just wished people could feel just as good as I do, and then they would know that this is the way to heal yourself.

No one is supposed to do your journey of life, that journey is strictly for you and you alone. So, I understand that no one is supposed to experience the crippling anxiety that I did for decades. That journey was for me, and I am here telling my story and writing about my take on the information he writes in this book. I know what it’s like to have crippling anxiety. I know how it feels to have those thoughts or emotions run like wildfire and continue to grow and not die out. I am here to let you know, that there is a way out of the crippling anxiety that you are experiencing. There is a way to help you to heal from it. These books, the information in all of Medical Medium’s books are gold and I am incredibly grateful to be able to live each and every day, without crippling anxiety. That’s not to say that I don’t have some anxiety in my life now. I don’t have the crippling anxiety that keeps me up at night, that gives me panic attacks, that causes my emotions to run wild or the crippling anxiety of not being able to function in my daily life. I do remember that there were periods of my life where I didn’t experience crippling anxiety and was able to enjoy those periods.

“The brain is meant to be a sponge for knowledge. Instead it becomes a sponge for waste.”

-Anthony William, Medical Medium

Anthony has written this book is in such a manner, that as you read each chapter, everything starts to connect. He builds little by little, brick by brick, laying out a foundation for you to really understand the material. The way this book is laid out, enables you to start putting the puzzle pieces of each chapter together. No wonder why people are so chronically sick with a myriad of symptoms. There is so much that everyone here on this planet is up against, healing is crucial at this time.

When you find something that you know is helping you, why wouldn’t you share that information with the world? And for me that is this book, and all of Medical Medium’s Books, because of how much improvement I have seen in my life, and in the lives of others around the world. I am reviewing these chapters to share my experiences with this lifestyle, the lifestyle that I grew up living and how much truth are in these words. All of this information has helped me turn my life around, and I am so grateful that I took the leap to change. If you haven’t read the book Brain Saver yet, I would highly recommend you to read it because there is nothing else out there like this. I’ve been living this lifestyle for 3 years and have come to find that fruits and vegetables, the living foods from the Earth (& supplements from Vimergy, if you’re really struggling) are the way to living your most vibrant, healthy, healed life.

Sending you so much Love, Light, Healing, Hope and Faith on your Life Journey.

Much Love,

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