Medical Medium’s Book Brain Saver: Chapter 26

Chapter 26Chem Trails and Rainfall Exposure “Inside, these planes are hollowed out, with large plastic tanks installed, tanks that can be filled with toxic chemicals. With the flick of a switch by the pilot, the contents of these tanks can be pumped out of the plane, creating a trail of dangerous toxic chemicals.” [Page 233;Continue reading “Medical Medium’s Book Brain Saver: Chapter 26”

Medical Medium’s Book Brain Saver: Chapter 24

Chapter 24Chemical Neuroantagonists Just like with the past few chapters, he writes a list of the common Chemical Neuroantagonists, except this time it is pesticides, fungicides, weed killer, Insecticides, smoke exposure, fluoride and chlorine. These chemicals are all around us, and we are exposed to them much more frequently then we know. He talks aboutContinue reading “Medical Medium’s Book Brain Saver: Chapter 24”